Perl : Checking existing modules in CPAN

perl -MLWP::Simple -e “getprint ‘'&#8221; | perl -pe ‘s/.*<;a//; s/.*?>;(.*?)<;\/a>;.*$/$1/’ | grep Mechanize ………. ………. Bundle-WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.29.tar.gz WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.44.tar.gz Mozilla-Mechanize-GUITester-0.15.tar.gz Mozilla-Mechanize-0.05.tar.gz ……….

Sybase :: forcing index in a SQL query

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to force an index in a query when optimizer does not follow indexing structure goes for a full table scan. Supposing Indx I1 is indexed on columns EMP_NAME, EMP_PHONE from EMPLOYEE table. Now the following types of query would go for full table scan: 1. select * from EMPLOYEE where EMP_NAME=<SOMENAME>;Continue reading “Sybase :: forcing index in a SQL query”